Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Living in Harmony with the Creation

The Orthodox Christian way of life involves living in harmony with the creation around us. We recognize the spiritual nature of the creation, honor, and care for it. Living in harmony with the creation is a result of being in communion with the Creator Himself. Our existence as human beings is intertwined with the existence of the whole creation. When I teach a course on theology and spirituality I almost always begin with the creation, the beginning of the universe and the beginning of our (human) race.

The creation has been on my mind lately, perhaps for a couple of reasons. First, I’m in the process of writing the beginning of a book that begins with the story of creation. Second, I’m writing this current entry while on holiday in Appalachia. As much as I enjoy the benefits of living in one of the Unites States’ major cities, my heart finds solace in the beauty, quiet, and simplicity of the rural hills, even in winter.

A few articles on the creation come to mind. "Through the Creation to the Creator," by Bishop Kallistos Ware, can be found on In Communion, the web site of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. Three sermons delivered by Patriarch Ignatius IV in 1989 on the creation are available at stathanasius.org: ATheology of Creation, A Spirituality of Creation, and The Response of Christians.

Copyright © 2006 by Dana S. Kees. Photo copyright © 2005 by Dana S. Kees.